Sunday 13 September 2009

[JDrama] Zeni Geba

Title: 銭ゲバ
Title (romaji): Zeni Geba
Also known as: Money Crazy
Genre: Drama, human
Episodes: 9
Viewership rating: 9.8 (Kanto)

This story is about Gamogori Fuutarou who had a rough childhood. He was abused by his father and his mom died at a young age, as a result of being unable to receive treatment. Since then he became obsessed by money, and thinks money is the most important thing in life. And he would do anything for the sake of money, even if it meant killing people who stood in his way.

THIS is probably one of the best Japanese drama's I've ever seen. This drama is dark and nothing like other Japanese drama's.

In the first episode you see Fuutarou (Ken'ichi Matsuyama) working, eating, and he rarely speaks to other people, he only has a few lines. However at the end of the episode he smiles, it really made me shiver. I never imagined he could be this frightening. It sends a shiver down my spine! He doesn't have to say much, you can see what he's planning and what he's thinking. It's all shown in his eyes.

Just check this out ... Matsuyama's acting skills are worth watching it!
